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CVPR2018 會議征稿

CVPR: The Thirtieth IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

June 18-23, 2018, Salt Lake City, Utah


Main conference web site: http://cvpr2018.thecvf.com/


Call for Papers:

Papers in the main technical program must describe high-quality, original research. Topics of interest include all aspects of computer vision and pattern recognition including, but not limited to:

?   Computer Vision Theory

?   3D Computer Vision

?   Action Recognition

?   Biometrics

?   Big Data, Large Scale Methods

?   Computational Photography,

?   Sensing and Display

?   Deep Learning

?   Document Analysis

?   RGBD sensors and analytics

?   Face and Gesture

?   Low-level Vision, Image

?   Processing

?   Medical, Biological and Cell

?   Microsopy Image Analysis

?   Motion and Tracking

?   Optimization Methods

?   Performance Evaluation and

?   Benchmark Datasets

?   Physics-based Vision and

?   Shape-from-X

?   Recognition: Detection,

?   Categorization, Indexing

?   Segmentation, Grouping and

?   Shape Representation

?   Statistical Learning

?   Video Analytics

?   Vision for Graphics

?   Vision for Robotics

?   Vision for Web

?   Applications


Paper Abstract due: November 8, 2017

Paper Submission Deadline*: November 15, 2017

Supplementary materials: November 22, 2017

Final Decision Announced: Feb 28, 2018


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