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Pattern Recognition Letters 期刊征稿

期刊:Pattern Recognition Letters

專刊:Special Issue on Robustness, Security and Regulation Aspects in Current Biometric Systems (RSRA-BS)









Biometric systems consist in acquiring key physiological and/or behavioural features of humans, and use them for the automatic identification or verification of identity claims for physical protection. The urge for protection of sensitive infrastructure is calling for robust and secure biometric systems. In the first case, robustness is achieved by tolerating and dealing with the noise in the feature acquisition without affecting the correct outcome. This is achieved by investigating the number of false positive and false negative that noised feature acquisition causes and by proposing proper tolerance method to reduce such numbers. In the second case, a series of attacks can be directed towards a biometric system in order to bring it in error and alter the obtained result, by augmenting the number of false positive or the one of false negative. Moreover, a biometric system holds a number of data upon which the identification is performed, which may be considered sensitive and should keep private by the system. Currently, a series of proposal are being investigated in order to rise the offered level of robustness and security within such systems by using innovative pattern recognition systems and/or using multiple classifiers paving the way to multi-modal or multi-criteria biometrics.


This is to respond to the more demanding market needs with respect to security and robustness by retaining high accuracy, scalability and usability. Last, recently a novel research topic is meeting greater attention and interest: when designing and deploying biometric systems it is important to consider the cultural, social and legal contexts of these systems. There is an increasing awareness of the social and legal aspects related to biometric systems, due to the fact that they are firmly tied to our physical bodies. There are considerable privacy concerns related to biometric systems:  the  legal  status  of  biometric  data,  the  storage  of  biometric  data,  compulsory  and  voluntary  issues  and  the  necessity  of  using  biometric  technology. Those concerns are calling out for legal regulations to discipline the use and design of biometric systems.


The list of possible topics includes, but not limited to:

- Robustness of the Biometric Systems and Its improvement

- Regulatory and Legal Framework of Biometric Systems

- Security and Trustworthiness of Biometric Systems

- Privacy-enhancing biometrics

- Biometric Systems for Security and Privacy

- Pattern Recognition Innovations in Biometry

- Novel biometric acquisition and storage

- De-identification and Privacy in Soft Biometrics

- Anti-Spoofing and Template Security


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